Fingers perform in the round,
With nowhere to hide
"And this is of interest to me how?"
(Except on the subjects of religion and food, the opinions stated here are not necessarily those of the Author. The Author reserves the right to vary his opinions to suit the purposes of narrative, humour or just because he can). All photographs have been taken by the Author.
Peter has been talking about foreground interest in images recently so I thought I'd post this picture I took last year at Bateman's Bay, New South Wales, along with a drop of critical self-analysis as to why I think this composition doesn't work.
So there you are. Doubtless there are other niggles but there's only so much self-flagellation I can cope with. Perfection is a difficult mistress to satisfy.
PS - Just out of interest I tried cropping it into portrait format. I've now got a group of three (which is nice) and the post is in a better position. Still not happy with the horizon though.
A blank page cries out for words like a sandy beach cries out for a castle; DJC-B
The one who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the one doing it; Chinese Proverb
A mill cannot grind with the water that has passed; Chinese Proverb
A ringing telephone is an invitation, not an imperative; DJC-B