Thursday, March 23, 2006

A Twist of Rust

First an apology - I've become intermittent. Hopefully it's a fault that will come good at the end of April but, for now, hitting me with your fist or switching me off and on will not cure it - if I want new toys and the drains repaired, I must work for them and pleasant though the Vale of Evesham is, it is not a place of employment for a man of my limited talents. For that I must roam.

I was standing outside Leyton Orient football ground in the freezing cold a couple of weeks ago waiting for the rest of my colleagues to turn up for a meeting. I noticed this little twist of rusting wire (and you have to be pretty bored to notice that sort of thing). It intrigued me enough to pursuade me to take my gloves off and bring out the Silver Snapper. There seems to be a lot of symbology lurking in this simple image; obviously there's a cross but what else? A ghost of an ankh maybe? Answers welcome.


Peter Bryenton said...

Iconic fusion.

Glad to see you back on line, Dave.

shara said...

One day, walking in the woods, we found a cross made of two pieces of wood, obviously handmade, bound with wire and with a purple stone held in the wire where the pieces of wood joined.

My daughter, A., looked at it and said, "Look Mama! It's a 't'!"


Canbush said...

What a wonderful open-minded view of the world! Indoctrination has still not got full control over reality then - let's hope it stays that way.

shara said...

I don't know. We free-thinking individuals don't seem to be multiplying in the same numbers that Peter's sleeping grey people are. But every bit helps, I guess.