Monday, April 24, 2006

Red Light

Horror struck!

That's how I was this evening when I realised that my image making has been infiltrated by a malevolent and insidious affliction.

I have become 'twee'.

Just look at the evidence.

A blog with a cat and three pottery ducks.

A blog with a hen and some sheep.

A blog with even more hens.

I searched desperately through my back catalogue for a cure.

I found pictures of dogs. It must have been creeping up in me for some time.

It will have to be the short, sharp shock.

Tomorrow, rain or shine, more rust. Perhaps some barbed wire. A broken gate. Anything that's moribund, expired, no more, gone to join the choir invisible.

I have seen the light.

And it is red.


Susan Lucente said...

Although the picture of the rear end of the sheep was slightly disturbing, I rather enjoy the pictures of the cat, pottery ducks and hens, so I had to look up the word "twee" on the World Wide Words website. I wouldn't be that harsh on yourself. Maybe this is just a sign that you are becoming more in touch with your sensitive inner self. ;-)

The "Red Light" -- Strikingly beautiful picture.

shara said...

A nice farm scene, with a rusty barbed wire fence enclosing, oh I don't know, maybe some sheep or something.

Twee? Now I'll have to go look that up.

snowsparkle said...

yes... red! and "twee" love it and i feel like i understand it though i couldn't define it exactly. love the gutsy delivery! thanks!

Canbush said...

Thank you, Susan. I still think I need to exercise a bit more control over this sensitive stuff - people will talk

Sorry, Bluemama, couldn't find any rust or wire today.

Thanks, Snowsparkle for your lovely comment

Lee - yes, in a liquid.