Sunday, May 07, 2006

Simple Shapes

I imagine there are people I work with who wonder who this strange guy is who will suddenly disappear across the other side of the room and start photographing a roll of insulating tape on a table. To be fair, I wonder that myself. But who can resist a good shaft of sunlight?

I played with this set-up for several minutes (I was waiting for lunch to appear). If I'd had any arts training I'd have no doubt spent time drawing shapes such as these at college. But I didn't - I trained as an engineer before moving into more arty pursuits. Consequently my interest in simple shapes - circles, diagonals, cylinders - has not been beaten down by familiarity.


Neoma said...

Actually from a photog's point of view, this picture is very esthetically pleasing. Good pictures are often just great shapes and composition.

snowsparkle said...

i like the tangent edges of these objects and shadows. so much power in simplicity. i'm very drawn to this image. (must be my masculine side lusting after duct tape :)

J Cosmo Newbery said...

I could say that you are on a roll.

But I wont.

Canbush said...

Thanks, Nea - I tried a few angles but this is the one that appealed to me also.

Hi Snowsparkle - duct tape = lustworthy material? Interesting.

JCN - I usually get bad jokes to my son-in-law so this makes a change.

Lee - where was your camera?