Saturday, September 16, 2006

Not Gone Yet

Another mission in life - inventing spurious psychological disorders. This one is WUSS (Waking Up Song Syndrome). A couple of days ago I woke up with the words and music of 'Delaney's Donkey' running through my brain, a song made popular by my Mum's favourite, Val Doonican. I couldn’t shake it off, despite the fact that it has a very high loathsome quotient, up there with the 'Birdy Song' and anything by Frank Sinatra or Elvis Presley.

By mid morning I'd lost it, thanks to extreme immersion in alternative activities. Then today, it happened again. This time it was 'Chattanooga Choo Choo'; in fact it still is. It's just run through between my ears, three minutes down but pulling hard, a trail of dense, acrid smoke and a whiff of engine oil. Luckily I like Glen Miller otherwise I'd be in deep trouble.

What if I wake up tomorrow with an attack of 'Heartbreak Hotel'?

OK, gone now.


Pauline said...

Could be worse - could be "You Ain't Nothing But a Hound Dog." You are the source of MDC (my daily chuckle) so you'll be missed when you do go. I suffer from WUSS myself, so I'll record my songs and perhaps we could trade - I like Elvis! (Humming "There'll Be Bluebirds Over the White Cliffs of Dover" as I type - it's yours if you want it!)

Susan Lucente said...

I HATE when that happens! But I love your naming of this problem we all are suffering from. In my house, with a 14 month old, my evil WUSS songs are usually from childrens' shows... The Wiggles is always running through my head. Is there a 12 step program for this sort of thing? ;-)

Will miss you, hurry back. please. :-)

Flea said...

LOL! So true, I got it too.

"Wake me up, before you go go!"

Josephine said...

Let's see, the acronym for "Waking Up With Movie Scenes"...WUWMS.

I have WUWMS. Today, I woke up thinking about the poor little prostitute that stars in "Hustle and Flow"

It was disturbing.

Kilroy_60 said...

I made a mistake reading this. I've been having one train song after another rolling through my mind. At least, the good thing I suppose, is my train of thought does change tracks now and then.

Calling upon a long forgotten post not yet transitioned to my new URL {from the office of blatant self promotion} Fear And Loathing - The Gonzo Papers

"My train of thought has no caboose." - Sherri Hamilton