Friday, April 25, 2008


On April 16th I completed 40 years working in the broadcasting
industry. For the most part it's been an enjoyable experience. I took
fourteen years to get to the top of my chosen path, sat there for
about another eight years and have been sliding gently back down
ever since; that's why I'm now lighting poker tournaments instead
of prestige dramas. Production methods have changed and my skills
are no longer in demand. That doesn't worry me; I've proved to
myself that I can light anything that's thrown at me (except
sitcoms). I'm afraid that I'm guilty of losing interest in things once
I've mastered them to my satisfaction (which can be a fairly low
level of expertise!). That's why I no longer do su doku puzzles.

Too many people live in the past, lamenting what has been,
dredging up old slights and grudges. Cast them aside (easy to say, I
know). Baggage is not for carrying through life, it's for losing at
Heathrow Terminal 5. And issues? That's what magazines come in,
usually with a special at Christmas. Resistance to change is one of
life's greatest stumbling blocks. Don't lie in the road in front of the
bulldozer – learn to drive it. To counter the lack of challenges in my
television career, I developed sidelines that fitted in with a reducing
workload. For a few years I was an antiques dealer. Now I have a
another career as a photographer.

As usual I've reached the point where I've no idea where this
chuntering on is leading. So I'll change tack.

I took a few photographs in New York but not as many as I might
have. Aside from the fact that it's not fair on Pixie if I'm diving off
every few minutes to prostrate myself under a building or dangle
excitingly from a bridge parapet, I felt that NY was too familiar. I
didn't feel the urge to acquire images of something I'd seen so often
in films and books. How many pictures of the Flatiron Building or
the Empire State does the world need? Even if I could find a new
angle, why bother?

Still I didn't return empty handed.


Peter Bryenton said...

Ah, Dave, if only "Lighting a Piano Supported by Nine Naked Nubiles" had been a module on those Television Lighting Courses we attended, we'd have been crushes in the rush volunteering to be first up (so to speak).

Pauline said...

Amazing how different familiar things can look through someone else's eyes. Who is the piano guy? (You can tell NYC is NOT my milieu.)

Canbush said...

Indeed we would, Peter. Banish the image!

It's Duke Ellington, Pauline, on 5th Avenue and 110th Street. Rather fine statue, I thought, and it has obviously got Peter's attention.

Pauline said...

And got his tongue stuck firmly in his cheek with a double entendre, I see...

Lee said...

Wise words, enchanting photographs. But then I'm partial to anything held up by naked ladies.

shara said...

well, naked ladies are all fine and good I suppose, though I think if the were to hold up anything in the city it would be traffic and not pianos, but what do I know about art?

it's the beautiful picture of the clock that fascinates me. when I looked at it I heard clicking, like a puzzle box sliding into place, or secret drawers, or something. it's a wonderful picture, I enjoyed it very much.

Canbush said...

Thanks, Shara. The original clock photo had a garish orange glow over most of it so I thought it would look better in black & white - which it does.

As for the nubile nymphs, I'd love to know what went through the sculptor's head. Was Duke Ellington noted for glamourous lovelies? Or is it just old-fashioned attention-grabbing?