Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Partial Bicycle Reflection

Reflection shots are part of the armoury of images snapped by the photographer-about-town with his dinky little digital gadget. Actually I'm sure I took the above with my D70 which is definitely not the least bit dinky or a particularly subtle piece of apparatus. I had a contretemps with a very rude and ill-bred woman in Cirencester earlier this year after her daughter managed to walk into it as it hung from my shoulder - hopefully it taught the child to look where it was going.

Today's image, which was shot in Aigues-Mortes, features a bicycle, possibly one of the most photogenic of man's inventions, way ahead of the motor car and only slightly behind the steam engine (why anyone would want a car in a photograph is beyond me, other than as a reflective surface for some more interesting subject).

If I could be bothered I might succumb to the urge to photoshop out the brightly lit leaves on the right; since I can't be, I won't.

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