Wednesday, July 12, 2006

A Hard Place

Despite having a strong allergic reaction to them, I like cats. They're independent creatures that seem to know their own minds and are masters of manipulation. Before food - love and affection, after food - abandonment and disdain. A tiny bit like me, really.

This cat is giving me the one eye of disdain and is it surprising? In its mind's eye it can see a soft quilt and a crisp white duck down pillow. And what has it got? A hard tiled roof and a stone. Surely that can't be comfortable?

Down below, in the St Anne's Well cafe at Malvern, there are other delights. For today we discovered that not only does it serve possibly the best apple & almond cake in the world (that's the whole wide version we’re talking about) but also possibly the best lemon cake.

I must point out that this personal award refers to 'straight' lemon cake, not the 'drizzled' variety, the honours for which currently go to Ann's Cafe in Clapham, North Yorkshire. I'm glad we cleared that up.

I wouldn’t like to give the impression that I circle the world eating cake although there is a grain of truth in that assumption.

Best muffin currently held by a café in Thames, North Island, New Zealand, incidentally. Hoping to get back soon for an update.


Flea said...

I grew up with cats but if I come near them now they gave me an allergic reaction and I sneeze my head off, and it gives my daughter and asthmatic chest. But they are so soft and cuddely, but I've heard not loyal pets. Who ever feeds them is their next best friend, where as our dog not even drinks water any where but home.

Basking in the sun there?

Mmmmm, cake. I love tarts better, not to fond of apples in cake but Brian will die for it too.

Josephine said...

You're insane. Circle the world eating cake?

I've heard of worse things...

Canbush said...

Hannelie, I know what you mean about apple in cake but I think it's down to the flour - this one is made with light brown wholemeal - very satifying flavour and texture.

Tarts are good, too, particularly with treacle or lemon curd.

Damn, I've come over all peckish. I'll have to see if I can sneak something out of the fridge without being caught.

OK, Josephine, but only a little insane, surely, a crumb's worth