Thursday, July 06, 2006

Swan Eight

Peter put up an image some months ago of the letter 'J'. It was an example of the sort of exercises they set students on photographic courses. Take your camera, a roll of film (how quaint!) and find a naturally occurring alphabet.

I imagine numbers could also be part of the brief. With that in mind I'm offering this swan, preening itself on the still waters of a canal.


GypsySavage said...

Now that is amazing... How did you get the swan to stay still that long?

Peter Bryenton said...

Or "E"

Lever said...

Very nice indeed, I second the E; the rounded back-to-front 3 is far more elegant than the Roman E :)

Josephine said...

You know, without you explaining, I don't think I would have ever seen the figure 8.

That's a bit sad, don't you think?

Pretty photo, though.

Canbush said...

Thanks Gypsysavage - I think it was on a break!

Now isn't that interesting. I didn't see the 'E'. Perhaps my mindset is stuck with the Romans.

Thanks for the comment, Lever, good to hear from you.

Josephine - it appears you're not alone; perhaps I'm the only one who can see the 8.

Canbush said...

I've had another look at this picture to see what it was that made my brain say '8' and not 'E'.

What I see is the completion of the upper circle of the number 8 by the subtle shadow of the swan's head cast onto the base of its neck, less obvious in the reflection but still present.

I can rest easy now