Monday, March 12, 2007

Popping Back

A few months have passed since my last post - my, doesn't that sounds like something from a confessional. I've been working a bit harder than usual recently, including another trip to Maidstone, several more days in the bunker in east London and a flight to the warmth of the Bahamas for a seven-day shoot in January. Despite that I've still had plenty of time for blogging and what have I written - nothing. I have no excuse.

Image wise I've been fairly active with a number of pictures uploaded to Istock, some of which are selling. I shoot in an essentially people-free style by choice, only using those irritating and uncontrollable specimens of humanity to give the pictures scale. From the point of view of sales, this makes many of my pictures less desirable although a person-free image of the Boston City skyline was on 89 downloads this morning and counting . I'm not sure I'll change this approach; I shoot pictures for my own pleasure and the ego-trip I get every time one is downloaded. Strangely enough the money isn't really a consideration and since some of the smaller images sell at 25c a time, it's not likely to become so.

Scarborough is a long-established seaside resort on the Yorkshire coast, overlooking the North Sea. It's a place of contrasts with an unpleasant, 'kiss-me-quick' area down by the harbour set against the elegant splendour of days-gone-by up on the cliffs near the Winter Gardens. For those of you who can remember my past themes, there's a group of three and some splashes of red; one splash belongs to my friend Peter whose rear end can be seen protruding out on the left hand side of the bridge. I'm getting too old and cranky for that sort of pose so most of my pictures are taken from eye-height, which is about 6' up from the ground in my case.

Well I've no idea when the next post will come so please don't hold your breath.


Susan Lucente said...

You're BACK!!!! Everyday I check in and everyday I see that spring staring back as it says, "I don't know what happened to him, musta found more exciting things to do than post his pictures and thoughts here for your silly entertainment." Happy to "see" you, Dave.

Seven days in the Bahamas? Now you're just trying to make me feel bad..... ;-)

shara said...

Poised to spring, that's right, I said coiled to spring. In any case, I'm pleased the time for all that poising nonsense is over and it's time to post again. I'll try not to turn any bluer.

Canbush said...

Thanks, Susan, lovely to hear from you. Yes, I'm struggling on, trying to shift my brain into gear. I'll see if I can manage more than one post a month. (And congratulations to you!)

Shara, poising is now off the menu - for a while!