Sunday, April 15, 2007

Me Again

A little narcissistic this evening, to even out the balance with the picture of Pixie the other day - I'm fairly minuscule in this image, though, a state of being that has tended to elude me in the past.

Being boldly built is not always as beneficial as it might seem. Admittedly I have many casual friendships with little old ladies in supermarkets for whom the Rich Tea biscuits are a shelf too high. I am always on hand to tie balloons to the porches of new housing schemes and few screw-topped jars can resist my vice-like grip.


My head is too close to many of the door lintels that I come in contact with on a daily basis and, to add insult to injury, my feet are too far from my head. These lower appendages have a quasi-independant existence, constantly at war with protruding objects, loose paving slabs and puddles. Their close relatives, my shins, are permanently scarred and scabbed through encounters with coffee tables and five-barred gates. It's rough down there, in the dark and dank regions beyond my knees.

I reached 6' 3" in my teens. However I have not been measured in the vertical sense for many decades and unless everyone around me is shrinking at an alarming rate, it is my reasoned belief that I am still growing. This is not a good thing; I have already reached a point where further extension in any direction could only be construed as extravagance.

So let me away to a sporting goods shop for a cricketing helmet, some shin-guards and a pair of stout miner's boots.


Pauline said...

That's a fascinating photo -

"Boldly built" made me chuckle. In fact, the whole piece was quite funny. Pixie must spend her days listening to you and shaking her head in amusement...

Canbush said...

Thanks, Pauline - I suspect shaking her head in exasperation would be more accurate!

Kilroy_60 said...

Stopped by so many times and you weren't posting. Great to see you're back at it!

There are a couple more days to register for the next blog carnival; I don't think you've done one yet and it would be great to have you!

Keep snapping...and don't be too hard on yourself.
