And now for something a little different featuring no food, unless you're a caterpillar. Just light and leaves.

"And this is of interest to me how?"
(Except on the subjects of religion and food, the opinions stated here are not necessarily those of the Author. The Author reserves the right to vary his opinions to suit the purposes of narrative, humour or just because he can). All photographs have been taken by the Author.
Since a colourful bench hardly does this Devonian town justice, I've included another picture, taken at the top of the main street. Crossing the road is an example of what may be posh totty, albeit in a dressed-down mode; Pixie assures me that jeans are acceptable for this development of womanhood. If, on closer inspection, they turned out to be by Versace, or a similar vendor of female clothing, then we would have a positive ID; unfortunately I forgot to look.
A blank page cries out for words like a sandy beach cries out for a castle; DJC-B
The one who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the one doing it; Chinese Proverb
A mill cannot grind with the water that has passed; Chinese Proverb
A ringing telephone is an invitation, not an imperative; DJC-B