Sunday, July 29, 2007

Puff, Puff

When I was a kid, and before every child carried enough technology to power a Mars landing project, we thought we could tell the time by blowing upon a dandelion seed head. Obviously it was a tough plant that could withstand midday and midnight but early afternoon was fairly safe.

What I can’t remember is if they were accepted as timepieces by our parents. When I got home at 8 o’clock instead of the three hours earlier I’d agreed, was it a viable defence to say that I’d blown the seeds away in five puffs and so was on time?


Inside our hands, outside our hearts said...

Tricky, however, I would be the scared out of her mind parent, where others woould assume that you were fine or the seeds were all gone and you lost track of time...smiles

Canbush said...

Many thanks for your comment and good to hear from you for the first time (I think!).

I think you're probably in the majority in terms of parents.

Pauline said...

We never used them as timepieces but I will from now on - we used them for wishes and the number of puffs it took to dismantle the thing indicated just how long you had to wait for that wish to come true!

I will wait patiently for the tea. Meanwhile, daughter Cass has a blog. Go peek?

hillychris said...

What a wonderful picture. How did you get the black background or did you take it inside to capture? The church looks and the images scary!! C.

Canbush said...

Thanks, C. It was taken outside on bright sunlight against a grassy bank in shadow. I used Photoshop to deepen the blacks and clone out a few stray highlights - the magic of computers!