Thursday, August 09, 2007

Mirror, Mirror....

Contrary to the evidence available in this journal, I’m not fond of photographs of myself. Nor, despite the industry I work in, do I have any desire to appear on television. I have been caught in ‘behind the scenes’ documentaries several times over the years and they’ve always been ‘cowering behind the sofa’ moments or excuses to leave the room and make tea or mow the lawn.

However I chanced the other day upon a rehearsal room fitted with a wall of mirrors and enlivened by a shaft of sunlight. It was irresistible so once again I must apologise for inflicting me upon you.

Incidentally I loathe the b**g word. I’ll go to any length to avoid using it or its derivatives, b******g or b*****r. Hence the references to posts, posting, pages, journal, etc. What’s the point of getting older if you can’t become reactionary and rebellious?

Once you’re in your late fifties, wrinkled and written-off are not on the distant horizon; they’re just outside the gate waiting for the chance to nip up the path and batter down the front door. Resist them for as long as you can.


shara said...

I've never been crazy about the b-word either, it sounds too much like slug, or slog or blah, a very untidy, formless, slouchy little word.

(Hmm. Maybe I'm projecting.)

In any case, I've ducked out of photographs for years but lately, self-portraits abound. I liked this one. You look quite resolute.

Lee said...

Fair comment(s). But such personal freedom can be alarming for the young and anxious. I was once being given a lift to work by a neighbour, a retired stipendiary magistrate. I must have looked at my watch to see if we were going to get there on time. "Look" says Ken, "If it's important, they will wait for you. if it's not important, why are you going?". Easy to say when you are retired and your stipend safely under the bed. But, yes, blog is such an ugly word.

Canbush said...

Thanks you, Shara and Lee - that probably counts as a concensus. The word was probably invented by a youngster with no apprecation of the rich heritage of language - even weblog doesn't sound too good, like some sort of water based infection of a duck's foot.