Saturday, May 06, 2006

Blue Buttons

One of the many things that I have a fascination with is buttons; it's no doubt something deep-rooted in my psyche that's best left unexplored.

If I'm left to my own devices in a room full of the things, I inevitably end up photographing them. Normally I would keep this vice to myself but in the interest of continuing the twee-free image of these posts (which slipped a bit yesterday with the blue flower), here are a few beautifully crafted blue examples (bar one).

Incidentally a fear of buttons is called koumpounophobia.

Probably refers to the sort that hold your clothes in place.

Rather than the ones that make things go, or stop.


Just thought I'd let you know.

In case you were about to ask.

Which I doubt.

But you can never tell.

So I've played it safe.


Peter Bryenton said...

Classic use of depth of field, colour and dynamic lines. Unusually shown in a vertical format, a Canbush trademark of course.

Canbush said...

Thanks, chaps. Blue is the colour this week.

snowsparkle said...

button, button, who's got the button? an old saying of my mother's... we all have our buttons. yours are more attractive than most. go ahead, push one.

Neoma said...

I also love buttons, loose, push, or plain.......but I know why, my grandmother used to let me play with the button jar. I can still remember the feel of buttons running through my fingers. Of course these are the sew on type as opposed to push button.......but both are nice.

These buttons are very pleasing, crisp, clear and great geometry.

Canbush said...

Thank you, Snowsparkle and Nea - you are very kind.