Monday, May 01, 2006


For seven years, my presence, in body if not in mind, was required under this chandelier at 09:00 hours sharp. This wretched and tedious demand was not made on every day, fortunately, nor in every week. In fact it was probably for about forty weeks a year but this was more than enough.

If I dared to arrive late, approximately 450 pairs of eyes would swing round to find me, optically pinning me against the large oak doors at the west end of the hall. One pair in particular would single me out for later attention (and possible detention). I was often late; the demands of two paper rounds and an inability to rise early saw to that.

In my first year I was singled out from amongst my brethren in class 1X to ascend the stage at the east end of the hall and receive a prize. I can't remember what it was for - attendance, endeavour, general toadying. The one thing I do know is that it wouldn't have been for sport.

This trip up the steps to momentary fame never occurred again - I had peaked early. The rest of my school days consisted of a geometric series of minor disappointments. I caused not trouble, I made no waves, I just drifted, academically disinclined, but practically determined. I did generate the occasional ripple – no one could understand how I managed a qualification in Latin but not in French.

Today Pixie and I spent several hours in my old Alma Mater selling things that people don’t really need to people who don’t need them – it was as near to fun as you can get without actually having any.


Peter Bryenton said...

The overhead lighting clearly had a beneficial influence on your subsequent, very practical career.

Canbush said...

The pitter-patter of tiny photons on my brain.

snowsparkle said...

this image! wow!!!! i'm awestruck! it's dazzling. can't get past it to read the post. will have to check back later.... gotta get ready for work. cheers!

shara said...

The chandelier was lovely indeed, and the writing even better. I certainly needed the smile this afternoon, so thank you very much for it. Twee-free for how long now?

Canbush said...

Thanks, Snowsparkle. What's more there are three of them. Quite magnificent for what is a public hall.

Hi Bluesmama, thanks for the comments. Keeping to the twee-free road for as long as possible (or until I go to visit my youngest daughter again and get exposed to cats once more)