Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Snail's Pace

Twee? Or not twee? That is the question.

I've just popped up today to say hello.


Done that.

Having a rest from blogs. Need fresh inspiration on all fronts.

Back later.



Susan Lucente said...

Uhh... I think the "slimey-gooey" factor of this snail disqualifies it from the twee category. :-)

shara said...

Snails are far too cool to be twee. My girls will stop all traffic on the sidewalks to let a snail pass in peace.

Understand the need for a break from blogging. I'll be looking forward to your return, whenever that may be.

Flea said...

Oh Oh that's our snail, but you can keep it, got lots of them around in the back yard and killing them bit by bit, little buggers they are!
Hope to see you back soon.

Kilroy_60 said...

Is that a US Mail pouch sitting on the side of the road?

Pauline said...

Have a good break - I didn't get too close to a computer for nearly two weeks. I did trip over a four inch long snail in a state forest in Oregon, though. Could have done without that as well!

snowsparkle said...

not twee.... just lovely! I love the striving of the antennae.... this snail seems at full speed. It made me smile. now go happily to refresh and recreate and come back with more of your marvelous images.

Kilroy_60 said...

Let me know when you return, eh. I have always enjoyed my visits. I have a new URL, some twisted Blogger issues dropped me into an Archive HELL of some sort. Hoping you are revitalized soon.

Fear and Loathing - The Gonzo Papers

Flea said...

Dave, hope you are doing well and enjoying the break.
We miss your photo's and hope you return shortly.

Canbush said...

Thank you all, back soon, with or without twee and slime