Monday, March 13, 2006

Do Cats Dream of Bicycles?

I have a strong allergic reaction to cats but, despite that, I like them. They have attitude and a notable lack of subservience. Dogs? What are they about? Noisy, dirty, smelly, dependent - not much there to latch on to. They also chase cyclists - enough said?


Peter Bryenton said...

Very Philip K. Dick.

Canbush said...

Indeed (and dogs chase sheep as well - case closed).

shara said...

How funny that you should post this the morning I woke up thinking about a poem someone wrote to me about cats when I was 17. Haven't thought of that in ages. I love the idea of cats dreaming.

Canbush said...

I'm sure they do. I can watch a sleeping cat for hours, envious of its contentment.