Thursday, June 01, 2006

Self Portrait with Diamante

I'm not all that keen on seeing myself - it's probably why I've carved out a career behind the camera rather than in front of it. I suppose when you fancy yourself as an amalgam of James Bond, Pink Floyd and a grizzly bear, the true image can be a touch disappointing.

Nevertheless that dead space between the order being taken and the first course arriving needed filling but with what?

Small talk might have done it, if I had any. There again Pixie had some new sunglasses she'd bought in Cannes and I was extremely brightly lit; just the cue I needed for a touch of narcissism.

Don't worry; I won't be making a habit of it.


snowsparkle said...

i love this glimpse of you... and the descriptions: bond, floyd and grizzly complete the clever self-portrait. not at all narcissistic... very creative. thanks for this picture in picture!

Lillie said...

Any man who cries at the end of Neverland is just plain gorgeous in my book.

Peter Bryenton said...

Send this picture to the Mirror project, Dave.

Josephine said...

I like seeing your face. You look *curios*, and kind, and thoughtful, and like you've got good humor. You should not be so hard on yourself!

Canbush said...

You've made me blush!

Lee, it was natural - I suppose I should have blanked it out with a black drape.

shara said...

What a nice treat to stop in and see a self-portrait (and my compliments to Pixie on the sparkle, I'm like a crow that way, attracted mightily to anything that shimmers) but I agree with the ladies, you're far too self-deprecating.