Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Slow News Day

You know it's been a poor day for news when this is the best that the local rag can find.

How much are you prepared to spend to get the latest on a bizarre owl?


J Cosmo Newbery said...

I gather there is no low point for the British press, so I can'f say that owl play surprises me.

Peter Bryenton said...

This was actually about a painting of an owl by Teymor Zarré from his Totem Pole series.
A local copywriter misheard the telephoned phrase "By Zarré", then the spell checker, combined with a 2.2 degree in "Meeja Studies", did the rest.

Canbush said...

Nothing that a glass of tawny port, gently sipped in a barn on a snowy night coudn't alleviate.