Saturday, January 07, 2006

An Echo of a Past Summer

It's been a cold drizzle-ridden apology for a day in Worcestershire, a day for staying indoors, quaffing tea and powering through a minor massif of hot buttered crumpets.

Or not.

For we're now in the post-Christmas anti-binge period when all excess is ruthlessly quelled and preaching against the abomination that is chocolate cake must be pursued with evangelical zeal. This will last until about the end of the month. Then normal service will be resumed.

Several things inspired me to search out today's image. There's Peter's ongoing homage to 'threes' and a lovely image of a post I found on Blues Mama's blog. Also I needed a reminder of how stunning the summer is. For that I've gone (mentally) to the west coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Just add the gentle sound of water lapping.


Peter Bryenton said...

That wouldn't be a health & safety notice stuck on the foreground post, would it Dave?

shara said...

That's a lovely picture, threes and weathered posts and water to boot. Now I'm off to the woods seeing as how I'm all inspired to find trios today.