Sunday, January 22, 2006

Some Images with Trees

It would be untrue to say that the area around the confluence of the Severn and the Avon sparkled in crisp winter sunlight today because it didn't; it wallowed in mist and fog. However up on the hills all was sweetness and light, Bredon and the Malverns floating above a sea of white. I did take a few shots of this vista but, as is often the case in landscape photography, what was pleasing to the eye was anathema to the camera. I deleted them all.

The trees on Bredon Hill looked more rewarding and so I decided today was a tree day. To be honest I've no idea what most of the trees we saw are called although at least one of them is a beech. I'm fond of trees against the skyline particularly on a bank where the effect of long winter shadows becomes very pronounced.

Reflection shots are always a crowd pleaser (I'm big enough for a crowd and they please me).

I'm not sure what to say about the roots. I actually took this picture in January last year but I've no doubt it would have looked the same today if I'd ventured a few yards down the footpath towards Elmley Castle. There's a touch of the Ent from 'Lord of the Rings' about this image - a giant clawed foot anchored to the hill, syphoning energy and sustenance into the canopy above and wondering what it might have for pudding - a juicy fungus perhaps or some squirrel brûlé.

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