Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Frog Required

Lily pads are irresistible. I can never pass one without knocking off an image or two.

What this picture lacks, though, is a frog. I wonder if I could train one to hop onto the leaves at my command and then pose, perhaps with one leg in the air.

Or holding a French Tricolour, while croaking the Marseillaise

That would give me the 'splash of red' this picture needs.

I'll nip in the local pet shop tomorrow. After all, they had a wasp in the window yesterday so I'm sure a frog will be no problem.

(I apologise for the 'wasp in the window' line which comes from a joke so old that Neolithic man probably used it, or would have done if he'd invented the window……and the idea of pets……and shopping)


shara said...

I must have been napping when Neolithic man was telling jokes. I read your post and thought, oh how exotic those English pet shops are, selling wasps..

Susan Lucente said...

I love this picture~! But since you want frogs so badly, I'm sending you a couple. :-)

Lever said...

Make sure you get a healthy frog - you don't want it to "croak it" before reaching the scene ;)

Peter Bryenton said...

"Some day my prints will come . . ."

Canbush said...

Yes, Bluesmama, all my jokes are from that period.

Thanks , Susan, see next post

Lever, that's as bad as my wasp joke!

As is that, Peter